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The evening sun sparkles off her oiled skin, while her pussy still drips cum from the fucking, they did moments before, enjoying their beach corner and the lounger that saved them from getting sand in the wrong places. He’s handsome beyond words, with blue eyes that are as deep as his love, while her emerald gaze stares lazily at him as she snuggles closer, body draped along his own as they repose, catching their breath. She smiles and sears his adored mouth with a kiss, tongue lapping at his own, and then his lips. She nibbles across his jawline, to his throat, his scent and the pulse beneath the skin, beating against her lips that brush as she wiggles and moves. Body unfolding from him, she presses him back against the cushions as she slides lower still, peppering his skin with kisses as she drags her lips across his chest, down to the dip in his ribcage, finding that happy trail that leads down. She looks up at him with an impish grin “I am still hungry for you, Daddy” she murmurs before she returns her lips to his abdomen, kissing and licking down, moving lower still.

He blinks, taken aback for a moment at her face suddenly gone from his and then he is looking at the sky and the soft but firm press milf mecum porn of her lips trails down his torso and his mind knows instantly what is in store and he exhales his lungs “Oh fuck!” And then she’s there, burying her face in his shaft that is still drenched in their juices, making the mess between them transfer to her cheeks as her tongue slips out to take long swipes across his shaft. She moans, savouring the taste of their mixed pleasure, and goes back for more, lapping up his length to the very tip, where she swirls her tongue around the crown only to dip back down to his balls, tongue flat against his heated flesh, her eyes on him, loving and filled with passion and love. His eyes cross as he groans “GODS!” She inhales him, as if trying to breathe him into her very lungs and again she laps her way back to the crown, tongue flicking across the edge in a circle as her hands wrap around his cock to hold it stead or move it as she wanted. She moans softly as his taste fills her senses, the most delicious morsel being his very pleasure that is clear in that soft prayer that escapes his lips. She stares at him as her tongue circles his tip, then flicks up and down, dipping into his dripping hole to seek out the nectar of his precum. Her eyes cross with pleasure as the taste explodes on her taste buds, and then she moves her tongue down and behind the crown to that wicked spot that she flicks it against. “Fuck! Babygirl! You……” She thrills at his heated words, and uses her hands to stroke his length as she simply flicks and laps her tongue on that sport, over and again, once, twice, thrice…countless caresses of hot flesh against his own. And again, she drags her tongue down the back of his shaft to the balls, and then back up, swirling around that pulsing vein only to stop again at that spot. She stares at him with wicked eyes, while her tongue dances against the folds of flesh, tapping and swirling. “You are making…me insane! OH fucccccc! You’re….killing…me! Don’t stop!!!”

And she grins wickedly, his torment is exquisite and just what she sought. His precum pulses out and she captures it with her indian porno tongue before her lips purse around his tip to suckle softly, teasingly, letting her drool and his mixed in precum bubble around it lewdly. She slurps the mess back into her mouth, devouring it before she wraps her lips around him yet again and she suckles deeper this time. She takes her time, each suck and lap of her tongue slow and loving, wanting to bring him to the brink of madness and pleasure. And her tongue continues to flick against that spot that she knew now by instinct. She presses more, engulfing half of his shaft into her greedy mouth, hot breath and the soft cushion of her tongue sliding down further. She never breaks his gaze, loving every moment of bliss and torment written across his adored features as she engulfs him even more, head bobbing in a soft rhythm, each thrust taking him deeper and deeper. Her tongue continues to swirl along his length, even as he pops through her gag reflex and sinks deep into her throat that spasms and ripples around his girth. She moans, pleasure infusing her even as her throat vibrates along his length, and she presses harder still until her lips kiss the base of his shaft, and her tongue flicks across the root of his balls.

“OhgodsI’mmgggfucccI’mdyingfuckyoumghfkillinggrrmefuck” Tears form in her eyes to spill down her face, but that was just the body’s natural reaction. She felt him lodged deep into her bulging throat, and she continued to move her tongue side to side, until her breath runs out. And only then does she start pulling back slowly, her drool forming to drip profusely down his length and balls, in lewd strings. And she delights in every moment of his torment, knowing the pleasure is equally great as her mouth now only engulfs his crown, tongue starting that slow swirling around it, flicking at that spot again, tapping it and flicking it and tapping it, switching through the motions, not giving it time to become desensitized. And just when she is sure he’s on the verge of madness, she presses down and engulfs him yet again in one swift thrust of her head, that does not stop until her lips are kissing his root and her throat bulges obscenely. She gurgles and hums, drool spilling around the tight seal of her lips as she stares at him with wicked eyes that tear up further, and yet her tongue does that slow lapping against his balls as she hums again, causing her throat to vibrate along his length that was lodge so deep in her throat she could feel him at her collarbone. And she stays there, humming and swirling her tongue for endless moments, wanting to bring him to the peak of pleasure and make him unravel, eyes pleading for him to cum, to feed her what she wanted most. He waits for either death or ecstasy, whichever comes first. Then, with a loud growl he ruptures into shards, sending a volcano of cum down her throat in hot bursts “Aaaaiiiieeeeeeee!”


She feels his pleasure rising along her tongue through that pulsing vein before it erupts deep into her throat. She swallows but pulls back, wanting his taste to fill her mouth and she pauses with his tip on her tongue, hands stroking his length through the paroxysm of pleasure while his cum shoots into her mouth and pools on her tongue. A lewd display as she flicks her tongue against that spot over and again, helping to drain every last bit of pleasure from him, and hold it lewdly on her tongue that now swims in his milky seed. And only when she is sure that there’s no more, does she lift her head away from his shaft and shows him the mess gathered within her open mouth, the tongue swirling into the gooey seed before she finally swallows it all down and goes back to his shaft. And she suckles on his tip, tongue continuing to swirl against that spot as her hands pump him, wanting to drain every bit of seed from his cock. He shudders as he watches her tongue swim in his seed, and swallow lewdly, even as she returns an impish grin while she never takes pause. Instead, her tongue is lapping at his cock, taking every last trace of his pleasure and swallowing it down before she starts kissing her way back up his abdomen, and chest, and throat, then reaches his adored mouth to sear with a heated kiss “Thank you, Daddy. Now i am sated!” she teases before she buries in his arms and cradles him tightly, breathing hard as her love cradles him.

He looks at her with total astonishment and love, his face beaming and limp arms banding around her again as she cradles up to him and all he can do is pull her closer and tighter. His raspy, emotionally laden voice croaks in his throat. “You…you’re sated and I’m…speechless! Gods!”

She meets his smile with a loving one of her own, kissing him again and then again, saving him from finding words that clearly left him as her love pours in every slow lick and twirl of tongues. “That’s ok Daddy. Sometimes words are not needed. I love you!”

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JACBRONZE vem revolucionando a área com seu novo protocolo, confiram o motivo




Jac bronze conta que a mas de 6 anos vinha estudando e procurava um protocolo onde pudesse entregar desde a primeira sessão um resultado satisfatório, e após estudar muito ela conseguiu o que procurava. BLACKSATR é o nome da descoberta dela.

” Nao é que eu não fazia e não entregasse um bom serviço, mas queria resultado mas satisfatório e em menos tempo, até porque hoje o dia a dia da gente é tão corrido que gostamos de tudo rapido e prático”. Então montei meu protocolo que se chama BLACKSATR ja registrado e patenteado e graças a Deus vem fazendo o maior sucesso no Rio de Janeiro”.

Desde que lançou esse protocolo Jac Bronze conta que tem atendido todos os dias muitas meninas.

” É eu postar o resultado do Black Star nas minhas redes sociais e as mulheres me procurarem para agendar o bronze. Estão todas querendo o resultado e eu estou muito feliz”.


Jac Bronze conta que a meta dela mas pra frente é colocar a venda o produto, para que outras personais do bronze otimizem o tempo delas e das clientes também.

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Dra. Alessandra Madruga revoluciona a estética dental com a técnica inovadora Facetas Diamante




Especialista em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial, a Dra. Alessandra Madruga é referência quando o assunto é transformar sorrisos em verdadeiras obras de arte. Com mais de duas décadas de experiência e apaixonada pela odontologia, ela se destaca pela criação da técnica inovadora Facetas Diamante®, que redefine os padrões de beleza e naturalidade na estética dental.


A técnica, desenvolvida pela própria Dra. Alessandra, utiliza resina composta de alta qualidade para criar facetas personalizadas, capazes de corrigir imperfeições, clarear e harmonizar o sorriso, realçando assim a beleza natural de cada paciente. “Cada sorriso é único, e merece um cuidado especial e personalizado. A técnica Facetas Diamante® permite que eu crie resultados impecáveis e duradouros, levando em conta as necessidades e desejos individuais de cada paciente”, explica a Dra. Alessandra.



Segundo ela, a técnica Facetas Diamante® já transformou a vida de inúmeras pessoas, restaurando sorrisos e impactando positivamente a autoestima e o bem-estar. “Minha missão é elevar o padrão de excelência em odontologia estética, oferecendo resultados que não apenas atendam, mas superem as expectativas dos meus pacientes”, ressalta.


Para tanto, a Dra. Alessandra busca constantemente o aprimoramento profissional, participando ativamente de cursos e congressos nacionais e internacionais, sempre atenta às últimas novidades e tendências da odontologia. “Acredito que um sorriso é a expressão mais genuína da alma, e é por isso que dedico minha vida profissional a aprimorar cada detalhe, cada curva, cada brilho.”


A fim de oferecer sempre o melhor a seus pacientes, a Dra. Alessandra atende em seu próprio consultório, a Uniclins Centro Odonto Médico, localizado em uma área de fácil acesso em Curitiba (PR). O ambiente é acolhedor, moderno e equipado com tecnologia de ponta para garantir o máximo conforto e segurança aos pacientes. A equipe, altamente qualificada e comprometida com a excelência no atendimento, trabalha em conjunto para oferecer um serviço personalizado e humanizado.



Para saber mais sobre a Dra. Alessandra Madruga, a técnica Facetas Diamante® e a Uniclins Centro Odonto Médico, acesse o site: e siga o Instagram: @dra.alessandramadruga

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Adv Suéllen Paulino diz que quem presencia violència doméstica e não denuncia pode responder criminalmente




A criminalista explica que a pessoa não é obrigada a intervir fisicamente, mas acionar as autoridades competentes

Quem nunca ouviu o ditado em briga de marido e mulher não se mete a colher? Mas essa omissão pode configurar crime.  De acordo com a advogada criminalista Suéllen Paulo, em muitos casos, a intervenção de terceiros pode ser crucial para salvar vidas. Mas será que quem presencia uma agressão é obrigado a intervir? E o que acontece com quem se omite? A seguir, esclarecemos estas dúvidas com base na legislação vigente e nas implicações legais de omissão em casos de violência contra a mulher.

“Não há uma obrigação legal para que uma pessoa intervenha fisicamente em situações de violência doméstica. A lei não exige que se coloque em risco para parar uma agressão. No entanto, é fundamental acionar as autoridades competentes imediatamente. O Código Penal Brasileiro, no artigo 135, trata da omissão de socorro, determinando que é crime deixar de prestar assistência a alguém em grave perigo, desde que se possa fazê-lo sem risco pessoal. Assim, a responsabilidade mínima é chamar a polícia ou outro serviço de emergência”, enfatiza a especialista.

Fingir que não viu nada pode até configurar como crime, segundo a advogada. “A pessoa pode responder criminalmente por omissão de socorro. Segundo o artigo 135 do Código Penal, se alguém presencia uma situação de violência doméstica e não toma nenhuma medida para ajudar a vítima – seja ligando para a polícia ou buscando outra forma de assistência – pode ser considerado omisso. A pena prevista para omissão de socorro é de detenção de um a seis meses ou multa, dependendo das circunstâncias do caso”, explica.


Ela afirma que vizinhos que escutam sinais de violência, como gritos ou pedidos de socorro, também têm um papel importante. “Embora não sejam obrigados a intervir fisicamente, eles devem agir para proteger a vítima, acionando as autoridades. A omissão nesse contexto pode ser entendida como omissão de socorro, especialmente se o vizinho percebe que há um risco imediato para a segurança da vítima. Denúncias anônimas são válidas e muitas vezes essenciais para evitar que a violência se agrave”.

Suéllen Paulino afirma que a Lei Maria da Penha (Lei 11.340/2006) se aplica a casos de violência contra a mulher cometidos no âmbito doméstico e familiar ou em qualquer relação íntima de afeto. “Isso significa que deve haver uma relação entre o agressor e a vítima, como cônjuges, companheiros, namorados, parentes próximos, ou pessoas que convivem ou conviveram no mesmo ambiente doméstico. A lei protege mulheres em situações de violência cometida por pessoas com quem têm ou tiveram uma relação íntima de convivência, independentemente da orientação sexual”.

A advogada aponta que violência doméstica é um problema complexo que exige a atenção e a ação de toda a sociedade. “Enquanto a lei não obriga uma intervenção física, a omissão em prestar socorro ou acionar as autoridades pode ter consequências legais. Além disso, a Lei Maria da Penha oferece uma proteção ampla para mulheres em contextos de violência doméstica, reforçando a importância de um sistema jurídico que garanta a segurança e o respeito aos direitos das vítimas”, finaliza.

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